Core Values

What are we all about? What is our mission? How do we feel that our faith should "play out" in our lives?
The vision of Suncoast Baptist Church is best expressed in these 5 simple Core Values:

We Love

At the very core of our church must be a love for the Lord and for others. We will passionately worship God together, seek unity and fellowship within the church, and engage the community around us by displaying our love for God and for Them (Deuteronomy 6:4-6, Matthew 12:28-34, I John 4).

We Grow

We will grow in Spiritual Maturity and Faith as the Lord works in us, and we will grow Numerically as the Lord gives the increase (Psalm 1, Phil. 1:6, 3:8-14, II Peter 3:18).

We Serve

Overflowing from our love for God and others, we will be intentional in seeking for ways to serve our Savior and others. We will serve God in ways that He has equipped us, and will be sincere to meet people’s needs in ways that God allows us (John 13, Heb. 13:1, Rom. 12:10, Phil 2:5-11,).

We Give

Sacrificial giving from all of our resources is necessary; this includes our Time,Talents, and Treasure
(Malachi 3:8, 2 Cor. 8:1-5).

We Reach

There are many around us who are perishing,
we are bothered by this, and we will mobilize and do something about it.
We consider this to be at the very core of who we are and why we exist
(Eph. 4:5-6, Acts 1:8, Matthew 28:19-20).